Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week 10 - My Workout Program

Week 10: The FINAL WEEK!!

Day 1 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 2 - Full Body
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Combo 1- 2 reps, 1 min
    • Star Jump
    • Leg jump in and wide out, push up position
  4. Combo 2 - 2 reps, 1 min
    • In place Bear
    • sitting up Bicycle
  5. Combo 3 - 2 reps, 1 min
    • Alternating lunges
    • pushup, bring legs in and pushup, push legs out, repeat
  6. Combo 4 - 2 reps, 1 min
    • Cherry Pickker
    • hip raise, to leg raise
  7. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 3 - Run
  1. 100 jumping jacks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Combo 1 50 second on, 10 second rest
    • high knees
    • fast feet
    • dead chicken (jumping jack but everything out at same time)
    • high jumps
  4. Burpee combinations
    • Regular 10
    • one leg burpee 5 each leg
    • high knee raise burpee 10
    • side knee tuck burped 5 reps each side
    • step up (on chair) burped 5 each leg
    • roll-over burpee 10
    • SUMO burpee - squat position and lift one leg then the other, 10 times
    • Burpee jump over (a bag) - 10
    • Frog Burpees - (frog jump forward, do burpee and then jump back)
  5. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 5 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 6 - Full Body
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Combo 1- 2 reps, 1 min
    • Star Jump
    • Leg jump in and wide out, push up position
  4. Combo 2 - 2 reps, 1 min
    • In place Bear
    • sitting up Bicycle
  5. Combo 3 - 2 reps, 1 min
    • Alternating lunges
    • pushup, bring legs in and pushup, push legs out, repeat
  6. Combo 4 - 2 reps, 1 min
    • Cherry Pickker
    • hip raise, to leg raise
  7. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 5 - Total body (my work out)
  1. Warm up - Quick 10 min sprint set
    • jog 5 min
    • sprint for 15 seconds, back to jog for 30
    • repeat sprints burst till for 4 min
    • jog last min
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Push up side jumps ( push up then jump legs UP to side) 1 minute
  4. - Break 30 seconds -
  5. Push up knee elbow crunch (in upward pushup position and then bend same arm and knee together in air - modified is on elbows and only move knees up to sides) 1 minute
  6. - Break 30 seconds -
  7. Jack knife crunch 1 minute
  8. - Break 30 seconds -
  9. Burpeees 1 minute
  10. - Break 30 seconds -
  11. Monkey press ups ( butt in air, with one leg in the air, and do push up - modified is put both legs on ground and pike push up) 1 minute
  12. - Break 30 seconds -
  13. Ski jumps over mat 1 minute
  14. - Break 30 seconds -
  15. Frog jump 1 minute
  16. - Break 30 seconds -
  17. Exercise ball mountain climbers (leg goes on outside of ball) 1 minute
  18. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 6 - Upper Core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch - specifically arms
  3. Plank Series
    • Left (60 seconds)
    • Left hip raises (60 seconds)
    • Center (60 seconds)
    • Center rocking (60 seconds)
    • Right (60 seconds)
    • Right hip raises (60 seconds)
  4. Wieghts - repeat 4 times
    • Bicept curl (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm down (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm up (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm forward (13)
    • Alternate lifting weights above head, like punching upward (30)
    • Punch out ward alternating (50)
    • Tricept lift behind head
  5. push up position Tricept curl (30 each side)
  6. push up position lift (30 each side)
  7. Push Up pyramid series
  8. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 7 - Total body (my work out)
  1. Warm up - Quick 10 min sprint set
    • jog 5 min
    • sprint for 15 seconds, back to jog for 30
    • repeat sprints burst till for 4 min
    • jog last min
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Push up side jumps ( push up then jump legs UP to side) 1 minute
  4. - Break 30 seconds -
  5. Push up knee elbow crunch (in upward pushup position and then bend same arm and knee together in air - modified is on elbows and only move knees up to sides) 1 minute
  6. - Break 30 seconds -
  7. Jack knife crunch 1 minute
  8. - Break 30 seconds -
  9. Burpeees 1 minute
  10. - Break 30 seconds -
  11. Monkey press ups ( butt in air, with one leg in the air, and do push up - modified is put both legs on ground and pike push up) 1 minute
  12. - Break 30 seconds -
  13. Ski jumps over mat 1 minute
  14. - Break 30 seconds -
  15. Frog jump 1 minute
  16. - Break 30 seconds -
  17. Exercise ball mountain climbers (leg goes on outside of ball) 1 minute
  18. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Week 9 - My Workout Program

Week 9: The Routine

Day 1 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 2 - Full Body
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. 3 1 min intervals - keep track of reps
  4. Wide arm stance push ups into side plank
  5. Alternating lunges
  6. Hanging body raises (need table)
  7. Squat side leg lifts
  8. High jumps
  9. L crunch
  10. super mans
  11. 90 degree leg push crunch
  12. BREAK
  13. Cool down - Quick yoga series

  14. Day 3 - mid core
    1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
    2. Stretch (3 min)
    3. 90 degree leg push crunch (5 sets of 20)
    4. Bicycle ( 5 sets of 20)
    5. Boat Pose (hold for 60 seconds)
    6. Scissors (60 seconds)
    7. Scissors walk (60 seconds)
    8. Repeat 4 times
    9. Legs on chair side crunch, push up position 20 each side
    10. Start in crouched position, jump lunge, swinging arms out when jumping - alternate legs (10 times each side)
    11. Side plank, twist to push up after 60 seconds
    12. push up position, extend opposite leg and arm
    13. BREAK - repeat the following 3 times for each side
    14. Lumber Jack (20)
    15. lunge twist arms out (25)
    16. Standing crunch (20)
    17. Cool down - Quick yoga series
    Day 4 - Run
    1. 100 jumping jacks/high Knees/ Butt kicks
    2. Stretch
    3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
    4. 8 min abs
    5. Stretch
Day 5 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 6 - mid and lower core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch
  3. Repeat the following 3 times per side
    • Table pose Left leg lift side (30)
    • Table pose left leg lift back (30)
    • Standing leg lift side
    • Standing leg lift back
  4. BREAK
  5. Squats (3 sets of 20)
  6. Squat arms up (3 sets of 20)
  7. Squat arms out (3 sets of 20)
  8. Repeat the the following 4 times
    • High knee Jumping Squat (15)
    • High knees (60 seconds)
    • Fast feet (60 seconds)
  9. Cool down - Quick yoga series
  10. Day 7 - Full Body Beat previous scores!!!
    1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
    2. Stretch (3 min)
    3. 3 1 min intervals - keep track of reps
    4. Wide arm stance push ups into side plank
    5. Alternating lunges
    6. Hanging body raises (need table)
    7. Squat side leg lifts
    8. High jumps
    9. L crunch
    10. super mans
    11. 90 degree leg push crunch
    12. BREAK
    13. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Week 8 - My 10 Week Program

Week 8: More Workout

Day 1 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 2 - Total body (my work out)
  1. Warm up - Quick 10 min sprint set
    • jog 5 min
    • sprint for 15 seconds, back to jog for 30
    • repeat sprints burst till for 4 min
    • jog last min
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Push up side jumps ( push up then jump legs UP to side) 1 minute
  4. - Break 30 seconds -
  5. Push up knee elbow crunch (in upward pushup position and then bend same arm and knee together in air - modified is on elbows and only move knees up to sides) 1 minute
  6. - Break 30 seconds -
  7. Jack knife crunch 1 minute
  8. - Break 30 seconds -
  9. Burpeees 1 minute
  10. - Break 30 seconds -
  11. Monkey press ups ( butt in air, with one leg in the air, and do push up - modified is put both legs on ground and pike push up) 1 minute
  12. - Break 30 seconds -
  13. Ski jumps over mat 1 minute
  14. - Break 30 seconds -
  15. Frog jump 1 minute
  16. - Break 30 seconds -
  17. Exercise ball mountain climbers (leg goes on outside of ball) 1 minute
  18. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 3 - mid/lower core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Frog jumps
  4. 3 sets of
    • Reverse lunge kick up opp. arm touch toe 20 each side
    • reverse push up, on chair 20
    • walk over push ups 25
  5. Mountain climbers (1 min - count reps)
  6. sumo squats (1 min -count reps)
  7. lie down hips up plank position, one leg extended and raised (1 min - count reps, do other leg)
  8. squating side leg raises (1 min - count reps)
  9. side crunch
  10. L/V crunch - v- the l when crunching (1 min - count reps)
  11. lumber jacks
  12. side plank hip raises
  13. Wall sit - leg raises one at a time
  14. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 4 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 5 - Upper Core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch - specifically arms
  3. Plank Series
    • Left (60 seconds)
    • Left hip raises (60 seconds)
    • Center (60 seconds)
    • Center rocking (60 seconds)
    • Right (60 seconds)
    • Right hip raises (60 seconds)
  4. Wieghts - repeat 4 times
    • Bicept curl (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm down (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm up (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm forward (13)
    • Alternate lifting weights above head, like punching upward (30)
    • Punch out ward alternating (50)
    • Tricept lift behind head
  5. push up position Tricept curl (30 each side)
  6. push up position lift (30 each side)
  7. Push Up pyramid series
  8. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 6 - Run
  1. 100 jumping jacks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Day 7 - mid/lower core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Frog jumps
  4. 3 sets of
    • Reverse lunge kick up opp. arm touch toe 20 each side
    • reverse push up, on chair 20
    • walk over push ups 25
  5. Try to beat previous scores
  6. Mountain climbers (1 min - count reps)
  7. sumo squats (1 min -count reps)
  8. lie down hips up plank position, one leg extended and raised (1 min - count reps, do other leg)
  9. squating side leg raises (1 min - count reps)
  10. side crunch
  11. L/V crunch - v- the l when crunching (1 min - count reps)
  12. lumber jacks
  13. side plank hip raises
  14. Wall sit - leg raises one at a time
  15. Cool down - Quick yoga series

  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Combo 1 50 second on, 10 second rest
    • high knees
    • fast feet
    • dead chicken (jumping jack but everything out at same time)
    • high jumps
  4. Burpee combinations
    • Regular 10
    • one leg burpee 5 each leg
    • high knee raise burpee 10
    • side knee tuck burped 5 reps each side
    • step up (on chair) burped 5 each leg
    • roll-over burpee 10
    • SUMO burpee - squat position and lift one leg then the other, 10 times
    • Burpee jump over (a bag) - 10
    • Frog Burpees - (frog jump forward, do burpee and then jump back)
  5. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Week 7 - My 10 week Program

Week 7: Running

Day 1 - Run
  1. 100 jumping jacks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Day 2 - Sprints
  1. Warm up - 3 reps, 20 jumping jacks, high knees, and butt kicks
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Sprint cycle 5 reps of
    • 10 sprint, 50 jog
    • 20 sprint, 40 jog
    • 30 sprint, 30 jog
    • 40 sprint, 20 jog
    • 50 sprint, 10 jog
    • 60 sprint
  4. suicides 5 rounds bb court
  5. sprint box 5 times
    • sprint 18 yards
    • side step 18 yards
    • back pedal 18 yards
    • side step to start
  6. sprint core 5 rounds
  7. 10 yard sprint - high jump 10
  8. 10 yard sprint - mountian climpbers 30
  9. 10 yard sprint - push up 10
  10. 10 yard sprint - 15 crunchs
  11. .5 mile jog
  12. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 3 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 4 - Run
  1. Warm up - 3 reps, 20 jumping jacks, high knees, and butt kicks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 2 miles (sprint last 1/4 mile) - time
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Day 5 - Run
  1. Warm up - 3 reps, 20 jumping jacks, high knees, and butt kicks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 2 miles (sprint last 1/4 mile) - time
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Day 6 - Distance Sprint
  1. Warm up - 3 reps, 20 jumping jacks, high knees, and butt kicks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 2 miles - jog 1 minute, sprint 30 seconds until done
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Day 7 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Week 6 - My 10 week workout

Week 6: The Routine

Day 1 - mid core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. 90 degree leg push crunch (5 sets of 20)
  4. Bicycle ( 5 sets of 20)
  5. Boat Pose (hold for 60 seconds)
  6. Scissors (60 seconds)
  7. Scissors walk (60 seconds)
  8. Repeat 4 times
  9. Legs on chair side crunch, push up position 20 each side
  10. Start in crouched position, jump lunge, swinging arms out when jumping - alternate legs (10 times each side)
  11. Side plank, twist to push up after 60 seconds
  12. push up position, extend opposite leg and arm
  13. BREAK - repeat the following 3 times for each side
  14. Lumber Jack (20)
  15. lunge twist arms out (25)
  16. Standing crunch (20)
  17. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 2 - Run
  1. 100 jumping jacks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch
Day 3 - mid and lower core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch
  3. Repeat the following 3 times per side
    • Table pose Left leg lift side (30)
    • Table pose left leg lift back (30)
    • Standing leg lift side
    • Standing leg lift back
  4. BREAK
  5. Squats (3 sets of 20)
  6. Squat arms up (3 sets of 20)
  7. Squat arms out (3 sets of 20)
  8. Repeat the the following 4 times
    • High knee Jumping Squat (15)
    • High knees (60 seconds)
    • Fast feet (60 seconds)
  9. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 4 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 5 - Total body (my work out)
  1. Warm up - Quick 10 min sprint set
    • jog 5 min
    • sprint for 15 seconds, back to jog for 30
    • repeat sprints burst till for 4 min
    • jog last min
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Push up side jumps ( push up then jump legs UP to side) 1 minute
  4. - Break 30 seconds -
  5. Push up knee elbow crunch (in upward pushup position and then bend same arm and knee together in air - modified is on elbows and only move knees up to sides) 1 minute
  6. - Break 30 seconds -
  7. Jack knife crunch 1 minute
  8. - Break 30 seconds -
  9. Burpeees 1 minute
  10. - Break 30 seconds -
  11. Monkey press ups ( butt in air, with one leg in the air, and do push up - modified is put both legs on ground and pike push up) 1 minute
  12. - Break 30 seconds -
  13. Ski jumps over mat 1 minute
  14. - Break 30 seconds -
  15. Frog jump 1 minute
  16. - Break 30 seconds -
  17. Exercise ball mountain climbers (leg goes on outside of ball) 1 minute
  18. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 6 - Upper Core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch - specifically arms
  3. Plank Series
    • Left (60 seconds)
    • Left hip raises (60 seconds)
    • Center (60 seconds)
    • Center rocking (60 seconds)
    • Right (60 seconds)
    • Right hip raises (60 seconds)
  4. Wieghts - repeat 4 times
    • Bicept curl (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm down (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm up (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm forward (13)
    • Alternate lifting weights above head, like punching upward (30)
    • Punch out ward alternating (50)
    • Tricept lift behind head
  5. push up position Tricept curl (30 each side)
  6. push up position lift (30 each side)
  7. Push Up pyramid series
  8. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 7 - Run
  1. 100 jumping jacks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 5 - My 10 Week Workout

Week 5: Running

Day 1 - Run
  1. 100 jumping jacks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Day 2 - Sprints
  1. Warm up - 3 reps, 20 jumping jacks, high knees, and butt kicks
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Sprint cycle 5 reps of
    • 10 sprint, 50 jog
    • 20 sprint, 40 jog
    • 30 sprint, 30 jog
    • 40 sprint, 20 jog
    • 50 sprint, 10 jog
    • 60 sprint
  4. suicides 5 rounds bb court
  5. sprint box 5 times
    • sprint 18 yards
    • side step 18 yards
    • back pedal 18 yards
    • side step to start
  6. sprint core 5 rounds
  7. 10 yard sprint - high jump 10
  8. 10 yard sprint - mountian climpbers 30
  9. 10 yard sprint - push up 10
  10. 10 yard sprint - 15 crunchs
  11. .5 mile jog
  12. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 3 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 4 - Run
  1. Warm up - 3 reps, 20 jumping jacks, high knees, and butt kicks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 2 miles (sprint last 1/4 mile) - time
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Day 5 - Run
  1. Warm up - 3 reps, 20 jumping jacks, high knees, and butt kicks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 2 miles (sprint last 1/4 mile) - time
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Day 6 - Distance Sprint
  1. Warm up - 3 reps, 20 jumping jacks, high knees, and butt kicks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 2 miles - jog 1 minute, sprint 30 seconds until done
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Day 7 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Week 4 - My 10 week Workout

Week 4: More of the same

Day 1 - Total body (my work out)
  1. Warm up - Quick 10 min sprint set
    • jog 5 min
    • sprint for 15 seconds, back to jog for 30
    • repeat sprints burst till for 4 min
    • jog last min
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Push up side jumps ( push up then jump legs UP to side) 1 minute
  4. - Break 30 seconds -
  5. Push up knee elbow crunch (in upward pushup position and then bend same arm and knee together in air - modified is on elbows and only move knees up to sides) 1 minute
  6. - Break 30 seconds -
  7. Jack knife crunch 1 minute
  8. - Break 30 seconds -
  9. Burpeees 1 minute
  10. - Break 30 seconds -
  11. Monkey press ups ( butt in air, with one leg in the air, and do push up - modified is put both legs on ground and pike push up) 1 minute
  12. - Break 30 seconds -
  13. Ski jumps over mat 1 minute
  14. - Break 30 seconds -
  15. Frog jump 1 minute
  16. - Break 30 seconds -
  17. Exercise ball mountain climbers (leg goes on outside of ball) 1 minute
  18. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 2 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 3 - mid core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Frog jumps
  4. reverse push up, on chair
  5. 90 degree leg push crunch (5 sets of 20)
  6. Bicycle ( 5 sets of 20)
  7. Dive Bomber - downdog to upward facing
  8. Boat Pose (hold for 60 seconds)
  9. Scissors (60 seconds)
  10. Scissors walk (60 seconds)
  11. BREAK - repeat the following 3 times for each side
  12. Lumber Jack (20)
  13. lunge twist arms out (25)
  14. Standing crunch (20)
  15. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 4 - Upper Core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch - specifically arms
  3. Plank Series
    • Left (60 seconds)
    • Left hip raises (60 seconds)
    • Center (60 seconds)
    • Center rocking (60 seconds)
    • Right (60 seconds)
    • Right hip raises (60 seconds)
  4. Wieghts - repeat 4 times
    • Bicept curl (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm down (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm up (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm forward (13)
    • Alternate lifting weights above head, like punching upward (30)
    • Punch out ward alternating (50)
    • Tricept lift behind head
  5. push up position Tricept curl (30 each side)
  6. push up position lift (30 each side)
  7. Push Up pyramid series
  8. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 5 - Run
  1. 100 jumping jacks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Day 6 - Rest
8 min ab routine

  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Combo 1 50 second on, 10 second rest
    • high knees
    • fast feet
    • dead chicken (jumping jack but everything out at same time)
    • high jumps
  4. Burpee combinations
    • Regular 10
    • one leg burpee 5 each leg
    • high knee raise burpee 10
    • side knee tuck burped 5 reps each side
    • step up (on chair) burped 5 each leg
    • roll-over burpee 10
    • SUMO burpee - squat position and lift one leg then the other, 10 times
    • Burpee jump over (a bag) - 10
    • Frog Burpees - (frog jump forward, do burpee and then jump back)
  5. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Week 3 - My 10 week Program

Week 3: Intro to new stuff

Day 1 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 2 - Full Body
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. 3 sets of weights for 60 seconds each
    • standing then into table pose, come up and lift weights to chest
    • squat drop weight in front (kettle bell)
    • weight whip around the head
  4. Arm swings 60 seconds, rest and again
  5. Squats, leg stretch 60 seconds
  6. Boat Pose (hold for 60 seconds)
  7. BREAK
  8. 3 reps of
    • Speed skating - opp. hand touches ground 60
    • Fast feet 60 seconds
    • jumping jacks 60
  9. BREAK
  10. 3 sets of
    • Running man
    • alternating punches side - in squat position
    • alternating leg lift opposite elbow knee touch

Day 3 - Run
  1. 100 jumping jacks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Day 4 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 5 - Mid Core
  1. Warm up
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. combo 1 - 3 times
    • jump squat 3 times
    • 3 push ups
  4. combo 2 - 3 times
    • crab stance alternating leg crunch 60
    • mountain climbers 60
  5. combo 3 - 3 times
    • push up tent leg in the air push up 15

    • transition without putting other leg on ground
    • one leg jump squats
  6. BREAK
  7. 3 sets of
    • chair pose wieghts out to side - 25
    • side lunges with front raises - 25
    • lunges with bicep curls - 25

Day 6 - Insanity
  1. Warm up
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. 3 reps 50 seconds on, 10 second rest
    • jump punches - up straight out, and down when land
    • Lateral jumps, remaining on one leg
    • Ninja Jump tucks - start on knees, jump tuck, then 5 high knees
    • Modified Burpee - open up with arm towards ceiling in plank and alternate, push between each - then jump up
    • side jump ups - pushup position and jump legs up to sides
  4. BREAK
  5. 3 times of
    • side crunch roll side to side, legs straight
    • Supermans, alternate arm and leg
    • Supermans, all
    • Supermans same side
    • Peeing dog
  6. 50 mountain climbers
  7. 5 high knees, and 5 switch lunges, 50 seconds
  8. High jumps into squats
  9. twisting arm Lunges 2 reps, 15 each side
  10. Cool Down - Yoga stretch routine

Day 7 - Run
  1. 100 jumping jacks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 2 - My 10 Week Program

So week 1 was a bit of the jump start for the body to get shocked into the workout program. Now After a week of alternating exercises for the muscles groups we can tone down the shock to the body and have the workouts be more consistent but alternating what muscles are being used.

Week 2: The Routine

Day 1 - mid core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. 90 degree leg push crunch (5 sets of 20)
  4. Bicycle ( 5 sets of 20)
  5. Boat Pose (hold for 60 seconds)
  6. Scissors (60 seconds)
  7. Scissors walk (60 seconds)
  8. BREAK - repeat the following 3 times for each side
  9. Lumber Jack (20)
  10. lunge twist arms out (25)
  11. Standing crunch (20)
  12. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 2 - Run
  1. 100 jumping jacks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch
Day 3 - mid and lower core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch
  3. Repeat the following 3 times per side
    • Table pose Left leg lift side (30)
    • Table pose left leg lift back (30)
    • Standing leg lift side
    • Standing leg lift back
  4. BREAK
  5. Squats (3 sets of 20)
  6. Squat arms up (3 sets of 20)
  7. Squat arms out (3 sets of 20)
  8. Repeat the the following 4 times
    • High knee Jumping Squat (15)
    • High knees (60 seconds)
    • Fast feet (60 seconds)
  9. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 4 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 5 - Total body (my work out)
  1. Warm up - Quick 10 min sprint set
    • jog 5 min
    • sprint for 15 seconds, back to jog for 30
    • repeat sprints burst till for 4 min
    • jog last min
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Push up side jumps ( push up then jump legs UP to side) 1 minute
  4. - Break 30 seconds -
  5. Push up knee elbow crunch (in upward pushup position and then bend same arm and knee together in air - modified is on elbows and only move knees up to sides) 1 minute
  6. - Break 30 seconds -
  7. Jack knife crunch 1 minute
  8. - Break 30 seconds -
  9. Burpeees 1 minute
  10. - Break 30 seconds -
  11. Monkey press ups ( butt in air, with one leg in the air, and do push up - modified is put both legs on ground and pike push up) 1 minute
  12. - Break 30 seconds -
  13. Ski jumps over mat 1 minute
  14. - Break 30 seconds -
  15. Frog jump 1 minute
  16. - Break 30 seconds -
  17. Exercise ball mountain climbers (leg goes on outside of ball) 1 minute
  18. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 6 - Upper Core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch - specifically arms
  3. Plank Series
    • Left (60 seconds)
    • Left hip raises (60 seconds)
    • Center (60 seconds)
    • Center rocking (60 seconds)
    • Right (60 seconds)
    • Right hip raises (60 seconds)
    • Wieghts - repeat 4 times
      • Bicept curl (13)
      • Arm raise sides both palm down (13)
      • Arm raise sides both palm up (13)
      • Arm raise sides both palm forward (13)
      • Alternate lifting weights above head, like punching upward (30)
      • Punch out ward alternating (50)
      • Tricept lift behind head
    • push up position Tricept curl (30 each side)
    • push up position lift (30 each side)
    • Push Up pyramid series
    • Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 7 - Run
  1. 100 jumping jacks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Week 1 - My 10 week Program

So the assignment is to do a 10 week work out program that incorporates everything we have learned and use it to stay in shape over break/ keep us on track.

Week 1:Getting started

Day 1 - mid core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. 90 degree leg push crunch (5 sets of 20)
  4. Bicycle ( 5 sets of 20)
  5. Boat Pose (hold for 60 seconds)
  6. Scissors (60 seconds)
  7. Scissors walk (60 seconds)
  8. BREAK - repeat the following 3 times for each side
  9. Lumber Jack (20)
  10. lunge twist arms out (25)
  11. Standing crunch (20)
  12. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 2 - mid and lower core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch
  3. Repeat the following 3 times per side
    • Table pose Left leg lift side (30)
    • Table pose left leg lift back (30)
    • Standing leg lift side
    • Standing leg lift back
  4. BREAK
  5. Squats (3 sets of 20)
  6. Squat arms up (3 sets of 20)
  7. Squat arms out (3 sets of 20)
  8. Repeat the the following 4 times
    • High knee Jumping Squat (15)
    • High knees (60 seconds)
    • Fast feet (60 seconds)
  9. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 3 - Upper Core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch - specifically arms
  3. Plank Series
    • Left (60 seconds)
    • Left hip raises (60 seconds)
    • Center (60 seconds)
    • Center rocking (60 seconds)
    • Right (60 seconds)
    • Right hip raises (60 seconds)
  4. Mountain Climbers
  5. Push Up pyramid series
  6. Tricep planks (60 seconds)
  7. Tricep dips (5 sets of 10)
  8. Arm circles Forward (60 seconds)
  9. Arm circles Backward (60 seconds)
  10. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 4 - Slow day
45 minute yoga video

Day 5 - Total body (my work out)
  1. Warm up - Quick 10 min sprint set
    • jog 5 min
    • sprint for 15 seconds, back to jog for 30
    • repeat sprints burst till for 4 min
    • jog last min
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Push up side jumps ( push up then jump legs UP to side) 1 minute
  4. - Break 30 seconds -
  5. Push up knee elbow crunch (in upward pushup position and then bend same arm and knee together in air - modified is on elbows and only move knees up to sides) 1 minute
  6. - Break 30 seconds -
  7. Jack knife crunch 1 minute
  8. - Break 30 seconds -
  9. Burpeees 1 minute
  10. - Break 30 seconds -
  11. Monkey press ups ( butt in air, with one leg in the air, and do push up - modified is put both legs on ground and pike push up) 1 minute
  12. - Break 30 seconds -
  13. Ski jumps over mat 1 minute
  14. - Break 30 seconds -
  15. Frog jump 1 minute
  16. - Break 30 seconds -
  17. Exercise ball mountain climbers (leg goes on outside of ball) 1 minute
  18. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 6 - Cardio
  1. Warm up - Jump Rope 20 min
  2. Stretch
  3. Repeat 4 times
    • Jumping Jacks (50)
    • Mountain Climbers (50)
    • Burpees (20)
    • High knee squat jump
  4. BREAK
  5. Fast feet Series (5 reps)
    • Center 30 seconds
    • Alternating pivots every 3 seconds (60 seconds)
    • Push up (increasing corresponding to sets)
  6. High Knees arms out (1 min)
  7. Butt Kicks arms up (1 min)
  8. Cool down - Quick yoga series
Day 7 - Mid Core
  1. Warm up - Jump Rope 20 min
  2. Stretch
  3. 8 min abs
    • Bicycle
    • 90 degree push outs
    • Boat pose
    • Muffin Top
    • Left Side Crunch
    • Right side Crunch
    • L crunch
    • Leg lifts
  4. Break
  5. Push up pyramid series (10)
  6. Super man series
    • Normal (25)
    • Right side (25)
    • Left side (25)
    • R Arm and L leg (25)
    • L Arm and R leg (25)
  7. Cherry Pickers 100
  8. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Research Workouts

For any program:
  • Warming up is super important
    • building intensity
    • Stretching different muscles 
    • Break cardio into many short fast pace intervals
  • Alternate working out core muscle groups
  • The more intense the workout the more water you need to drink

I'm leaning toward focusing on doing ab routines everyday (probs 8 min abs at least every day alternating for the list below)

Three days a week of yoga 
Three days a week of intensity (30 min to 1 hr = 15/20 min warm up, 4 excersise blocks - have 3 of those focused on one part of the body... upper, lower,or mid) 
One day of running (at least 3 miles) 

Yoga routines:

  • Running
  • bike (if i get one)
  • DDR
  • Jump Rope
  • Jumping Jacks
  • High Knees
  • High jumps
  • Butt kicks
  • Fast feet

Mid Core Routines:
  • 90 degree crunch
  • scissors & scissors walk
  • flutter kick & flutter walk
  • bicycle
  • 90 degree crunch leg push outs
  • L lifts (legs up down out)
  • L toe touch crunch
  • Taco crunch
  • Cherry Picker
  • Muffin Tops
  • Boat pose
  • Side crunch
  • Arm extended Lean side to side
  • Standing Isolation of abs
  • Lumber jack
Lower Core Routines:
  • Squats
  • Squat push up
  • Squat push out
  • Lunges (front)
  • Side lunge
  • Leg lift side
  • Leg lift back
  • Squat jumps
Upper Core Routines:
  • Side planks
  • Side plank waist lifts
  • Planks
  • Plank rocking
  • Push up position ab flexes
  • Super Pyramid Push ups
  • Tricep dips
  • Tricep planks
  • Arm circles
  • Bicep curl
  • Tricep extend
  • Side arm lifts (palm up, down, side)
  • Boxing punches - cross body, upper cut, straight out

I found a really good site for streach references:

The Return of Class


My abs have failed, days later they still hurt. Thursdays class was back to normal core workout, and I think my abs forgot how hard they usually had to work during class. The workouts that had muscles burning, were of course the lunges, side lunges, cherry pickers, and last but not least (super dozens of pushups).

Getting Ready for the Breaks:

Break is coming soon, and I am starting to plan my 10 week program. I'm getting excited to try new workouts that I learned from other people. I'm planning on incorporating yoga into my workouts too. =)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

My own workout

So for an assignment we had to create our own short 10-15 minute workout. I came up with a circuit workout that your supposed to record how many reps you can do in a 60 sec period of time. 
Here's the workout:

- Push up side jumps ( push up then jump legs UP to side) 1 minute
- Break 30 seconds
-  Push up knee elbow crunch: in upward pushup position and then bend same arm and knee together in air - modified is on elbows and only move knees up to sides 1 minute
- Break 30 seconds
- Jack knife crunch 1 minute
- Break 30 seconds
- Burpeees 1 minute
- Break 30 seconds
- Monkey press ups:
butt in air, with one leg in the air, and do push up - modified is put both legs on ground and pike push up 1 minute
- Break 30 seconds
-  Ski jumps over mat 1 minute
- Break 30 seconds  
- Frog jump 1 minute
- Break 30 seconds 
- Exercise ball mountain climbers (leg goes on outside of ball) 1 minute 

Yea this is really hard, those 30 second breaks are life savers. =)
This took about 15 minutes.

Hotel Workout

So last week I had to miss class because of an interview. However, I still managed to put in a work out in my hotel room before the day started.

I didn't come up with this one on my own, I found it on youtube.


It was a mix of abs and upper body. =) There are other videos for hotel room work outs but I like this one the most, because it was short and effective.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Workout

So Yesterday I went on a "long" run.
(Well long for me) I managed to get up earlier than normal and ran around for about 30 min.
 Then when I got back I did my 8 min abs routine.
1) crunches
2) bicycles
3) cherry pickers
4) leg lifts
5) side crunch left
6) side crunch right
7) planks
8) alternating lunges

Again the 2 sets of 8 min abs a day is really working, in class I barely felt the ab exercises. However I need to work on my lunges, we only did a couple and my legs are killing me.

Oh and there are a bunch of 15 min workouts on youtube that I'll probably put into my every day routine. That way I'm doing 15 min plus the 8 min ab one after another. =)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall Break

Its Break!!!
Well for almost everyone but me...
I still have a lot of work to do for my thesis and project and other project and test and interviews...and well sleeping and breaks are just going to have to wait.
However my goals from the last post are still going well, i'm eating healthier. I stopped eating the temping goodies at Rice Hall. I also have been doing the 8 min ab thing when I can't make it to the gym.
Today I only went on a mile jog along with the ab work out. And that is all I had time for.
Tomorrow I think i'll go for a two mile jog and see how fast I can complete it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Getting in Shape for Halloween

So this is inspired by Halloween Season. My roommates and i are planning on being teenage mutant ninja turtles...Sexy Teenage Mutant ninja turtles. Anyway, we are all planning on getting in shape together. But if my recent schedule is any indicator of how hectic the next couple of weeks be, I won't have the time to work out with them. =( But I figure if I do at least a couple of exercises a day no matter how stressed I am, i'll still get in shape.

New Goals for the Month:
  • Work out every day
  • Do 8 min. abs every morning
  • Do 8 min. abs every night
  • Take the stairs in rice
  • Don't eat BAGELS from RICE! (This is going to be tough since i live there)
  • Try to eat around than 1200 cal. a day
  • Don't eat after 9pm (that's when all my unhealthy eating happens

Now that I have set goals, and a set marker (the weekend before of Halloween) Losing weight won't be so hard. =)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 9: Simple 8 minute abs

So Life has been stressful with the career fairs, interviews, and trying to, you know get a job for my future. Anyway I haven't been to the gym. But in order to counteract my lack of cardio I have been doing 8 minute abs as a quick wake up to my muscles every morning. Its not that much but its something, anyway this is the 3rd all nighter in a row!! woot woot!!

Day 3: Medicine Balls - 9/20

I'm soooo sore...Again.
I knew it. The medicine balls made it worse. I couldn't even walk down stairs yesterday. And i won't be able to again today.
The workouts:
we did 10 reps, like 50 times...I think
  1. Squats lift up
  2. Squats lift out
  3. Chopping wood cutter...thing
  4. Cherry Pickers

Day 1: Lunges - 9/18

I am sore, already.
So we did a series of lunges (without weights) but to practice the form for the medicine balls. The oblique exercises were painful as well. but it was the lunges that killed. I can only imagine what it would be like with the ball. =)

They Deleted me...

So this blog was marked as spam...To whoever did that. thanks. -_- I'm restarting my work out from day 1 again. Just because a week of not doing anything takes a toll on my body.

I'm Dying - Restart

Soooooo...i'm dying. Not literally but close enough. Being not able to breath, move, and talk, dictates that I should not be working out and thus will not be until I get better...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 10 - An hour at the gym

A simple Day

Just ran at the gym today, nothing special. I only ran a mile and then biked for 35 minutes and did a few ab exercises.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 8 - Abdominals

So today it rained -_-
But it was also ab-day!! My abdominals were still slightly sore from all the laughing, so I was a little hesitant to go all out.

This was a quick thing to loosen us up after coming in from the rain.
  1. Jumping Jacks
  2. Mountain Climbers
  3. Squats
Abdominal Exercises
  1. Crunches 90 degrees
  2. muffin tops
  3. bike
  4. supermans
  5. planks - LR
  6. side crunches
  7. 100 pilaties
  8. crab knee crunch
  9. Leg lifts (butt up downs, 90 to straight,  circles)
  10. Flutter exercises
  11. THE PUSH-UP UPS - I LOVE/HATE these things.

I can't remember anything else we did. And my abs weren't sore after. However the squats left my butt aching the next day.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 7 - Rest

Okay so I woke up and my abs are KILLING me!!!!

My arms are fine...idk why. Idk why my arms are fine. 

Day 6 - Upper Body

Upper Body Routine

This workout was kinda tiring but since I already have pretty decent upper body nothing really burned or was sore the next day.

The workout was a series alternating from pushups to planks to awkward flipping turtles, and more...
We also used some weights, I only had 1.5 but after like the 5th set I was starting to get tired. 

However that night I was working out with my roommates. Doing some ab routine but nothing really got done cause we were laughing at everything.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 3 - Update

So Today I ran a mile. Not much but hey I HATE running for just running, if its not a race or I'm not chasing a ball, I don't care for it.
Anyway, it was hot.

Yesterday and Friday I didn't feel the burn of Thursday's class. Maybe that means I'm not working as hard as I should. I don't know.

Tomorrow I think I'm going to go the gym and do a late night cardio session, to ware my self out a little before class the next day.

Hopefully it will work =)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Workout - Day 1

The First Day of the Semester of Getting fitter


Peeing Dog (fire hydrant dog) - butt
  • Get on all fours and do x sets of ten on each side, no breaks
Super Mans - back
  • Lie down. Lift both arms, and legs at same time. 
  • OR alternate lifting arms and legs
Awkward leg around - butt
  • Sit, and tuck one leg in and take the other and have it pointed near the knee of the bent one. Then move non tucked leg around to the side of the body, while trying to straighten it out. 
Push Ups/ arm lifts (inversely related) - arms...duh
  • So start with 8 push ups then go on knees and reach up, one time. Then move to 7 and 2...and so on.
Cherry Picking, Muffins =) - hips
  • go into crunch position, then twist body side to side and touch ankles
Backwards Leg Lifts
  • All fours and lift leg (make 90 degree angle) then raise and lower the leg. 
90 degree to fully extended legs
  • Crunch position, with legs 90 degrees then straighten them lifting 60 degrees from floor

The Work Out

1) Warm Up
So warming up by running around (forward, backward)
2) Alternate through the new exercises
Switching from abs to back to butt to arms

How was class?

Well, it was good, I don't feel it yet, but maybe I will tomorrow morning. And I might go to the gym tonight and do some cardio and bike.