Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 4 - My 10 week Workout

Week 4: More of the same

Day 1 - Total body (my work out)
  1. Warm up - Quick 10 min sprint set
    • jog 5 min
    • sprint for 15 seconds, back to jog for 30
    • repeat sprints burst till for 4 min
    • jog last min
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Push up side jumps ( push up then jump legs UP to side) 1 minute
  4. - Break 30 seconds -
  5. Push up knee elbow crunch (in upward pushup position and then bend same arm and knee together in air - modified is on elbows and only move knees up to sides) 1 minute
  6. - Break 30 seconds -
  7. Jack knife crunch 1 minute
  8. - Break 30 seconds -
  9. Burpeees 1 minute
  10. - Break 30 seconds -
  11. Monkey press ups ( butt in air, with one leg in the air, and do push up - modified is put both legs on ground and pike push up) 1 minute
  12. - Break 30 seconds -
  13. Ski jumps over mat 1 minute
  14. - Break 30 seconds -
  15. Frog jump 1 minute
  16. - Break 30 seconds -
  17. Exercise ball mountain climbers (leg goes on outside of ball) 1 minute
  18. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 2 - Rest
8 min ab routine

Day 3 - mid core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Frog jumps
  4. reverse push up, on chair
  5. 90 degree leg push crunch (5 sets of 20)
  6. Bicycle ( 5 sets of 20)
  7. Dive Bomber - downdog to upward facing
  8. Boat Pose (hold for 60 seconds)
  9. Scissors (60 seconds)
  10. Scissors walk (60 seconds)
  11. BREAK - repeat the following 3 times for each side
  12. Lumber Jack (20)
  13. lunge twist arms out (25)
  14. Standing crunch (20)
  15. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 4 - Upper Core
  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch - specifically arms
  3. Plank Series
    • Left (60 seconds)
    • Left hip raises (60 seconds)
    • Center (60 seconds)
    • Center rocking (60 seconds)
    • Right (60 seconds)
    • Right hip raises (60 seconds)
  4. Wieghts - repeat 4 times
    • Bicept curl (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm down (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm up (13)
    • Arm raise sides both palm forward (13)
    • Alternate lifting weights above head, like punching upward (30)
    • Punch out ward alternating (50)
    • Tricept lift behind head
  5. push up position Tricept curl (30 each side)
  6. push up position lift (30 each side)
  7. Push Up pyramid series
  8. Cool down - Quick yoga series

Day 5 - Run
  1. 100 jumping jacks
  2. Stretch
  3. Run for 1.5 miles (sprint last 1/8 mile)
  4. 8 min abs
  5. Stretch

Day 6 - Rest
8 min ab routine

  1. Warm up - 20 min jump rope
  2. Stretch (3 min)
  3. Combo 1 50 second on, 10 second rest
    • high knees
    • fast feet
    • dead chicken (jumping jack but everything out at same time)
    • high jumps
  4. Burpee combinations
    • Regular 10
    • one leg burpee 5 each leg
    • high knee raise burpee 10
    • side knee tuck burped 5 reps each side
    • step up (on chair) burped 5 each leg
    • roll-over burpee 10
    • SUMO burpee - squat position and lift one leg then the other, 10 times
    • Burpee jump over (a bag) - 10
    • Frog Burpees - (frog jump forward, do burpee and then jump back)
  5. Cool down - Quick yoga series

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